What We've Been Thinking About Lately
Our Ponderings of the Moment

The Road to Healing Chronic Health Conditions: How Committed Are You?

When it comes to chronic health issues (and most especially ones with an autoimmune component) one of the things I ask my client these days is: “How much time and effort are you willing to commit or are you able to commit to your healing or remission?” It’s a question that I think is an important one because it will determine how much they can or are willing to do to get better, and it will be a major factor in the amount of time any health plan will take to bring them to a better state of health. Some clients are all-in, and some not so much. Some are able to do many things, and some due to their health can only do so much until they get to another level that allows them to do more. With some clients, little changes are necessary; with others, big changes are possible. But it all comes down to commitment.

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Evidence-Based? What Does That Mean?

The terms “Evidence-Based Aromatherapy” or “Evidence-Based Herbalism” is often coined to attempt to add validity to the practices. But what does that mean? Are there any pitfalls to this approach? This article explores that very subject.

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Drop Those Shoulders

Having a hard time learning how to relax? Always feel uptight? Here are some tips on how you can overcome and learn to “drop your shoulders.”

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Respecting the Elders

It is a tradition in herbalism and herbal medicine to recognize the importance and wisdom of the elders in the field. Those who have gone before, who have carved new paths, who have trodden old paths and improved upon them, and who contribute daily to the field are in many ways revered — held in high respect by most. These are the people that have and continue to further the field in many significant ways.

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